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YCT! Volunteer Found! Introducing....

Welcome Giselle to the supportive staff at our our weekly sound & Reiki journey sponsored by Reflections Center for Conscious Living.

Giselle will be joining us most Thursday's to facilitate the room and usher you into is one of our most popular program events.

The energy of volunteers and thrivers like Giselle is paramount to enhancing this life-affirming experience on Thursdays. You Can Thrive! programs encourage members take time for themselves in a calming environment while experiencing the healing brainwaves state of alpha/theta. Thanks Giselle!!

Newsflash!! We are seeking one other program volunteer to act as a backup for Giselle some Thursdays to check in and greet our members and friends.

Volunteer bonus gift, you get to join in the sound journey afterwards! Please email to offer your help

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