Maca Root Powder
Brazil Nuts
Walnut, Almond or Cashew Flour
Chia Seeds
Hemp Nut
Ground Goji Berries
Ground Cacao Nibs
Shredded Coconut
Cocoa Powder
Agave or Stevia
Tangerine Oil
Coconut Oil
Use any combination of ingredients you like. If you're using Gogi berries, Brazil nuts, or cacao nibs, these can be crushed in a food processor or coffee grinder. Make small batches starting with 1.5 cup of nut flour. You can always add more flour and or sweetener as you go. Always wet flour first with coconut oil (which hardens like butter when cooled) and then add sweetener, vanilla and more dry ingredients.
Add a tablespoon of coconut oil, 1 tsp vanilla, 1 tsp maca root, and any chosen dry ingredients. Then add sweetener or mashed figs. When it tastes to your liking, roll the mixture into uniform balls, drop into coconut, cacao, or spice mixture to coat the truffle.