This October we are inviting you not to "fight" but rather, to come together. Join us in continuing to support women who are "in their journey"... the time after diagnosis, but before they recover their health.
It is during this journey - each woman's is different, but all need support - that You Can Thrive! steps forward to offer a shoulder to lean on, body-honoring protocols such as massage, acupunture, reiki, & sound therapy as superlative instruments of self care, and the wisdom and guidance of Sisters who have gone before them.
YCT! has so many partners that share our vision of taking women from "surviving to thriving" and offering hope where often there is little.
Please welcome our latest partner, LUANA ITALY and the Buy to Thrive specials that they have put together to help YCT! continue to provide the services & support that so many women have come to rely on.
Instead of donating money to an organization for "research", direct those dollars to a place where you know that the money will provide direct benefits to women who have been touched by cancer.
Mark your calendar for November 8th from 6-8pm when LUANA ITALY will host a grand event at their store at 155 Spring Street. Enjoy storewide savings of 25% off with 20% off all sales going directly to You Can Thrive! (start you xmas shopping now)
Please RSVP by November 7 so that we know how many reffreshments to have available - info@luanaitaly.com
One in eight women will receive a diagnosis of breast cancer within their lifetime - we are in this together - the money that you donate today may help you or someone that you know tomorrow.