Science Of Sound Discussion with 2x Cancer Survivor & Music Composer Chris Cherney 4/24 2pm
Sound is so much more than "something that sounds good". Sound organizes matter, both solids and liquids. Sound creates complex geometric patterns in water. We will explore sound’s ability to Organize matter. Topics include resonance, standing waves, frequency, wavelength, overtones, entrainment.

Time & Location
Apr 24, 2020, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Zoom Link in Ticket
About the event
Sound is so much more than "something that sounds good". Sound organizes matter, both solids and liquids. Sound creates complex geometric patterns in water, patterns that change as frequencies change. Given that two thirds of the human body is water, this has profound implications for healing and self-healing. We will explore sound’s ability to Organize matter. Topics include resonance, standing waves, frequency, wavelength, overtones, entrainment. Most people don't know that ultrasonic sound can levitate droplets of water. Or that tiny tuning forks are being implanted into tumors so that they can be activated at the resonant frequency which blows up the tumor. Think Ella Fitzgerald and the wine glass. In my experience presenting sound meditations and healings, it is very useful for people to know some of this information. It allows for a suspension of disbelief. It helps people give themselves over to the sound in a more complete way, knowing that they really don't perceive everything there is, perhaps there is more. Be assured I would be presenting all of this from the point of view of someone who has survived cancer twice. The first time, 2004, I listened to music that I consider sacred. Going through chemotherapy in my operation last year I was blessed to have Sara Galassini, sound practitioner, with me every step of the way, giving me live sound during my chemotherapy treatments. It was an integral part of my survival.
Science Of Sound Discussion
Science Of Sound Discussion with 2x Cancer Survivor & Music Composer Chris Cherney
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