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Breast Cancer Survivor
Raw Food Chef
Composer, Musician & Raw Food Chef
Radiation Oncologist
Physical Therapist

Have you ever wondered where your "Pink" donation or product proceeds go? Wonder no more! At You Can Thrive! we run volunteer-based programs that assure 100% of your donations will be spent on providing relief to people with breast cancer.


Breast Cancer affects so many wives, sisters, mothers, daughters, friends…and by donating to a grass-roots effort that provides never before available direct services, your dollar goes where it counts.

Our programs educate participants to create risk-reduction plans through exercise and meditation courses, seminars and personalized nutritional education programs, all while facilitating free access to acupuncture, aromatherapy, tapping, reiki, reflexology and massage to reduce symptoms.

Enhancing this through education, peer support and advocacy gives survivors tools to become an empowered partner in the healing process. These services are not covered by insurance and are proven to provide relief of symptoms and side effects.

Each dollar donated goes to support our programs to alleviate suffering to people with cancer. Give generously. Give monthly. Tell your friends. You're Pink for People!!!

Design: REFLECTUR Photography: Jordan Hollender
© Copyright 2017 - You Can Thrive Foundation!

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